Kevin &

are getting married

Come to Portland

July 8 5 - midnight2017

The Village Ballroom

704 NE Dekum St, Portland, OR 97211

Arrive at PDX

You may want to come early. There's lots of awesome stuff around here. Also us. We'll be here.

Whenever you want

Welcome Picnic

We thought it would be a ton of fun to have a gathering spot before the wedding. So, we've rented out space in beautiful Sellwood Park in Southeast Portland, and are having a picnic. You can expect yummy food, some drinks, plenty of lawngames, and a casual hang with friends and family.

Friday July 7, 5 - 9

The Wedding

The ceremony will start around 5:30, so please try to get there around 5. Presiding will be Kevin's awesome cousin, Hannah, though the ceremony itself may be a little unfamiliar, as it's borrowing heavily from Quaker tradition. Here's what to expect:

  • No bride/groom sides. This is about families coming together, dammit!
  • Kids of all ages encouraged to stay and participate.
  • There will be an opportunity for anyone in attendance to stand and offers thoughts or well-wishes.
  • After the ceremony is completed, we'll ask you to sign a giant certificate saying you were there and we definitely got married.

Saturday, July 8, 5 - 6:30

The Party

Once we're all good and married, there'll be a short intermission, since we need to set up tables and chairs in the same room. This would be a great time to sign our marriage certificate, grab a drink, or even make a quick trip to the playground just down the street. After maybe 30 minutes, we'll all re-gather to gobble some dinner, enjoy some beers, and dance our faces off.

Saturday, July 8, 7 - 11:30

Morning-after Meetup

If you're still around in the morning (and aren't feasting on biscuits, gravy, and fried chicken at a joint that seems decidedly too cool for you), please join us in Woodlawn Park for a super casual hang. We'll have coffee and some light breakfast goodies.

Sunday, July 9, 9 - 11

Maybe hang out in Portland?

The city's got lots of cool stuff going on, but farther afield are incredible hikes in the Columbia River Gorge, and some of the most beautiful beaches in the world.

Who knows?

Come to Portland